by Mark Northall | Jan 20, 2015 | Business, Social Media
Following up from my last post where I gave you my thoughts on where Social was going in 2015 lets expand on the point of 2015 being the year of video and in particularly YouTube. I’m constantly asked where and how to start with video. Whilst there are no cast iron...
by Mark Northall | Jul 10, 2014 | Business, Social Media
Ok I fully admit I’ve been lazy where Google + is concerned. I created a profile did a few posts and paid lip service to creating a business page but never given it the place in my social media marketing it deserved – until now. I was asked by a client to major on the...
by Mark Northall | Mar 4, 2014 | Business, Personal, Social Media
As a Social Media Trainer I continually tell my clients that content is everything – the new SEO if you will but there is a greater challenge for online marketeers that of how to get their new found prowess in content creation out there. As the platforms get...
by Mark Northall | Jan 6, 2014 | Business, Personal, Social Media
Hello all – my first blog of 2014. So a happy Social New Year to you. First topic – Google plus. You may already have an account and not know it! If you have a Gmail or a YouTube or an Adwords/Analytics account then you will have by default a Google Plus...
by Mark Northall | Feb 1, 2013 | Business, Social Media
Where Google is involved, things get done. A lot of folks wondered how Google+ would grow after its launch. It was never really a question of “if” Google+ would flourish but when. Global Web Index released a report showing a change in the usage from “localized” social...