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The hugely versatile Platform Pinterest has introduced a messaging aspect to its offering. Pinterest which is becoming more and more a tool in the armoury of the Social Media marketeer just got a little more savvy. The new tool allows people to collaborate on projects add their ideas to colleagues or joint venture partners’ plans as well as showcasing their expertise in a particular field to anyone permitted to share their ideas.

PinsRather than try to explain exactly how it works let me share the video that the platform has shared via YouTube which is a great visual aid to show exactly how it sees the collaborative tool working.

See More about Pinterest Messaging here

Pinterest’s messaging is similar to what you’ll see on other social networks, but there are some differences. One of those differences is that unlike Facebook for example, Pinterest’s messaging feature doesn’t have a contact list that follows you around everywhere. That’s a deliberate ploy. Pinterest doesn’t want its service to become about messaging, but wants messaging to empower the way people use its platform.

For Pinterest, it also means keeping the conversation on its platform. That will lead to more Pins being shared, and more engaged users. For a network like Pinterest, where user engagement is its most valuable currency, that’s a very good thing.

If you are still not sold on Pinterest – why not grab one of the remaining places on our Pinterest Lunch in Telford on 5th September ? Full details here




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