The short answer is No, not in today’s climate. It’s easy to be dismissive saying ‘I’m wasting my time and money, it’s not bringing in any business’ or ‘I simply don’t have the time or the inclination to keep going onto social media and posting stuff’. But those retweets and interactions with other people’s posts give your business FREE publicity and the absence of a well maintained social media presence can be the death of your business.
The main platforms used for business have been around for a while now and is nothing new, but they are still platforms that deliver news and information to a huge number of people from all types of businesses and walks of life and are a perfect stage for influencers.
Why is Social Media important?
Because everyone is on it, it is accessible 24 hours a day on laptops, computers and hand-held devices all around the world. People check into it at all times of the day, when travelling on the tube to work, walking along the street, waiting in the playground to pick the kids up from school, in bed before getting up or going to sleep, anytime and all the time. Without being on social media these days your company could be seen as being ‘outdated’. Your business should be using at least two of the big social media platform, i.e. LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram. The use of these social media platforms to promote and build your business is FREE, so why would you not do it?
You have a presence but it’s not working for you?
Are you using the right platform? You need to be posting where your potential clients are hanging out. Have you built a following on your pages? You need to get people to like your pages and follow your business accounts. Are you interacting with them, posting regularly? There is no point posting a post and not replying to any comments that may have been posted, whether they be good or bad. But, and it’s a big but, you must also interact with other people’s business pages and posts too. You can’t expect interaction or comments on your posts if you’re not willing to reciprocate with other business.
There is NO guarantee that your social media posts will be seen in people’s feeds, but clever marketing can help to try and get you in front of your target audience. You need to figure out which social media platform works best for you. Work out the demographics of where your target audience will be, taking into account their age and gender if necessary and choose the accounts accordingly.
What do you post?
Post every day at least once but don’t make every post about your business. Post humorous stuff, like funny videos or quotes, post articles that offer advice, post topical items, use hashtags, post short snappy videos about your business or what you are doing at that particular time (within reason). Don’t post negative stuff, no one wants to read a rant from you on your business page, keep that for your personal page if you must rant at all! Post offers or about your business a couple of times a week, amongst all your other stuff. Post what you know works!
Sadly, you cannot force people to buy your product or force them to interact with your posts. You have to keep at it. Some presence is far better than no presence at all. You may think that what you have to offer is the best thing since sliced bread and that everyone should be using you, but things don’t work like that in real life. Don’t give up on it and leave your accounts lying dormant because when someone suddenly does react to a post and then go to your social media platforms to check out your pages and what you are up to and see that you’ve not posted for weeks, may change their opinion of your business. If you decide to use a Social Media Manager to manage your business social media platforms remember that no one knows your business better than you and to provide as much as possible for them to post for you. Work with them….not against them.
If we can help at all here at with Social Media training or management, please do not hesitate to get in touch.