Whatever you may have been told Social Media remains a matter of numbers. Im not saying it doesnt matter how you engage with them but you will be judged by the number of ‘fans’ you have on Facebook, Followers on Twitter and Pinterest Connections on LinkedIn and Googleplus as well as subscriptions on YouTube. There are various methods of getting more these including some less than ethical ways!
Dont be tempted to go down the 1000 followers for $19 route its pointless and those followers are unlikely to engage properly with you or your brand. Instead think of more innovative ways to increase your following – I thought I would list a few easy wins for attracting those elusive followers. These methods should work whatever platform you use
1. Business Cards – I frequently add people to my connections following business events, shows and networking. If you have your social media contact details on your card you make it easier for people to keep in contact with you.
2. Email Footers – How many emails are flying around your business ? Do you include your Social Media details in your email signature? All your employees or partners in the business should have a ‘corporate’ looking sign-off which includes all your details.
3. Invoices – When you send out your bills just add connection details discretely to the foot of them
4. Packaging – Do you send out goods ? Use your packaging to promote your platforms.
5. Blogs – If you write a blog – and why wouldnt you ? – add an easy click through to your readers to turn them into advocates!
6. Voicemail – In this busy day and age how often do you hear voicemails ? How easy to add a reference to Social – a word of caution here dont make the message too long or people will disengage.
7.Display – Put them on display in your main reception area – how often do you see visitors to your premises checking their phone? make it easy to get the details they need to add you quickly.
There you go a few ideas on how to get followers – once you have them it will be contact and engagement that keep them and turn them into customers clients and advocates.
In the next blog we look at how to engage with your potentials – Need some 1 to 1 training and/or profiles evaluated Contact me for a no – obligation chat.