by Mark Northall | Jan 20, 2014 | Business, Social Media
I’ve seen an increase recently in the number of fake Facebook accounts out there. Some of them are so easy to spot where someone asks to connect and you have no idea who they are and there are flaws in the construction of the account but what about if it was...
by Mark Northall | Feb 24, 2013 | Business, Social Media
As facebook page managers the ‘insights’ tool is sometimes perplexing and the factors that impact on it a bit of a dark art! Well the bods chez Zuckerberg have been working overtime and have announced changes. The biggest thing to take from the following...
by Mark Northall | Jan 30, 2013 | Employees, Personal
From an early age I can remember asking my Mum what the roaring noise was on a Saturday night in the distance as we played in the cul-de-sac (yes we used to play outside then !) and her telling me it was the motorbikes at Cradley Speedway. I guess it was about 4 miles...
by Mark Northall | Nov 24, 2012 | Social Media
I am endebted to Melanie Wahl of for her take on the must dos of Facebook pages and how to get the most from them. In particular her soft and hard Launch approach. Its important that you try your ideas on existing clients Family and Friends whilst...
by Mark Northall | Nov 20, 2012 | Social Media
Ten Reasons I might want to follow you on Twitter I thought it might be a good idea to write a post detailing good habits that will attract me to review and (hopefully) follow your account. I hope these tips and best practices help her ease into Twitter and discover...