by Mark Northall | Jan 20, 2013 | Business, Social Media
Mobile is the future of social networks. FACT you only have to view how Facebook and Twitter are focused on mobile growth, especially in foreign markets. As ipads, androids and smartphones play a larger role in how people get online, marketers need to adapt. In 2011,...
by Mark Northall | Nov 24, 2012 | Social Media
I am endebted to Melanie Wahl of for her take on the must dos of Facebook pages and how to get the most from them. In particular her soft and hard Launch approach. Its important that you try your ideas on existing clients Family and Friends whilst...
by Mark Northall | Nov 8, 2012 | Employees, Social Media
For many of us part of our jobs involve building a network, so imagine after being employed you sign up to LinkedIn using your personal name. You start inviting your network as well as new contacts to connect with you on the networking platform in a mix of private and...