As facebook page managers the ‘insights’ tool is sometimes perplexing and the factors that impact on it a bit of a dark art! Well the bods chez Zuckerberg have been working overtime and have announced changes. The biggest thing to take from the following statement is the loss of backfill on page insights on the historical stuff. On the whole its better that is sorted out and figures are more accutrate – just to be clear paid ads were not impacted. The full statemet reads as follows:
‘As part of our ongoing investment in Page Insights we recently completed a comprehensive engineering audit of the product. During this audit, we uncovered bugs that impacted impression and reach reporting. We have confirmed that these issues impacted reporting only and not delivery. Ad Insights were not impacted by these bugs.
As soon as we found the bugs, our engineering team began work to resolve them as quickly as possible. We’re rolling out fixes beginning this morning and over the weekend.
The actual impact of the bugs will vary from Page to Page and day to day based on a number of factors such as when and how frequently you post. To see the overall impact, if any, on your individual Pages, we recommend looking at your organic, paid and viral reach and impressions for your Page and for your posts over the next few weeks, starting on Monday, February 25. Because these bugs impacted our logging systems we won’t be able to backfill Page Insights with historical data.
Overall, we expect most Pages to see:
Total reach to stay the same or increase for most Pages
An increase in paid reach if you ran News Feed ads
An increase or decrease in organic reach, depending on many factors such as the composition of your fan base, when and how often you post and your spending patterns
A change in metrics computed from reach and impressions, such as engagement rate and virality
We know that accurate data is fundamental to building and improving your Facebook presence. We are taking this very seriously. We have already put a number of additional quality and verification measures in place to prevent future bugs and resolve them quickly if they arise.
We appreciate your patience and we are committed to constantly improving and investing in the quality of Page Insights.’
A video explaining the fix is here. Any problems dont hestitate to contact me !