Mobile is the future of social networks. FACT you only have to view how Facebook and Twitter are focused on mobile growth, especially in foreign markets. As ipads, androids and smartphones play a larger role in how people get online, marketers need to adapt.
In 2011, 32.6 million subscribers accessed the internet via their mobile phones and tablets, an increase of nearly 10 million since 2010. This increase has been driven largely by more subscribers choosing to own a smartphone or device.
We are moving away from the long blog posts that will require much scrolling up and down (as well as from side to side !) This will be a quick win for those who have taken the time to develop Facebook and Twitter profiles as well as Pinterest and Instagram for the more visual offerings. The question is are you ready ?
Over Christmas I was amazed at how many High Street retailers and Supermarkets had promo codes produced on mobile – a new experience indeed when the person infront of you produces a mobile phone and secures a 10, 15 or even 20% discount for giving the magic code !
Im an avid 4square user and was bombarded by discounts as I shopped around, not just the domain of the big boys – my local pub offered me a 20% discount on my meal!
In short you need to give some thought to Mobile and your strategy. Mobile websites are only part of the deal – Twitter, Facebook and their less illustrious social cousins are already optimized for mobile browsing use them and gain sales – simple as. Like to know more ? Contact me for a more detailed chat on how you could use this in your business.