by Mark Northall | Jan 30, 2013 | Employees, Personal
From an early age I can remember asking my Mum what the roaring noise was on a Saturday night in the distance as we played in the cul-de-sac (yes we used to play outside then !) and her telling me it was the motorbikes at Cradley Speedway. I guess it was about 4 miles...
by Mark Northall | Jan 26, 2013 | Business, Personal
With the closure of high street brands once again in the headlines and add to that the rationalisation of certain other companies we can brace ourselves for an influx of freshly redundant ex-employees heading for the life of self employment. Putting to good use the...
by Mark Northall | Jan 20, 2013 | Business, Social Media
Mobile is the future of social networks. FACT you only have to view how Facebook and Twitter are focused on mobile growth, especially in foreign markets. As ipads, androids and smartphones play a larger role in how people get online, marketers need to adapt. In 2011,...
by Mark Northall | Jan 17, 2013 | Business, Personal
A bit of a diverse one this time. I wondered how many of you still accept cheques as a payment method ? Let me explain where I’m coming from. The majority of my clients pay by bank transfer or Standing order – its quick, instant and neat. I believe its a...
by Mark Northall | Jan 11, 2013 | Social Media
‘I don’t get Pinterest’ or ‘what is Pinterest? – Just two comments I’ve heard from trainees this week. It made my decision on what to blog on that much easier. So before I give you some tips on how to get the best out of this Social Media Platform let me address those...